Fitness Belfast at the TRX International Training UK Summit 2019

Just back from an amazing weekend spent learning with TRX Training at the first ever TRX International Training Summit in the UK at University of Nottingham’s state of the art David Ross Sports Village.
To meet TRX Founder Randy Hetrick, and learn from, and share ideas with his incredible team, was an absolute dream come true.
To be amongst the first in the UK to attend the TRX For Yoga training course with TRX Master Trainer Matt Gleed was a privilege. I’ve rarely laughed more and learnt more in 8 hours.
I’m passionate about TRX, I believe in it’s very many benefits, and I cannot wait to share this passion with you all at the Fitness Belfast Studio come January 6th. Timetable, booking system & membership options very soooooon.
You’re gonna love this.
More TRX Training on the Fitness Belfast Blog
This Saturday, we are thrilled to be hosting TRX® Training Master Trainer & Educator Darren Dillon at the Fitness Belfast Studio to deliver an in person one day educational workshop: TRX for Football.
We’re a TRX studio, with our use of the trusty yellow and black strap system evolving from a standalone class when we opened in Jan 2020 (BC), to now becoming an integral part of our one-to-one Personal Training and our Small Group Personal Training: Kickass Bootcamp PLUS+. And as a sponsor of Northern Ireland Women's Football Association (NIWFA) Belfast Ravens, this workshop is a perfect fit for Fitness Belfast :)
On Saturday, we should have been welcoming Paul Edmondson & TRX UK to the Fitness Belfast Studio to wow us with their TRX For Sports Medicine course.
But of course, the world has changed a bit since that was planned, and so instead, the amazing team at TRX UK treated myself, Neil & Caitriona and almost 200 others to their latest TRX Suspension Trainer certification, entirely online & completely FREE. How friggin awesome of them was that?!
Hosting this Sports Medicine training course is hopefully the start of a long working relationship between the Fitness Belfast Studio & TRX UK, and we look forward to hosting TRX for Yoga training courses very soon also.
Our trusty black and yellow TRX suspension training straps are a key feature of classes here at the Fitness Belfast Studio. We believe they are a hugely beneficial piece of kit for anyone from athletes to absolute newbies to have a productive and fun workout.
Just back from an amazing weekend spent learning with TRX Training at the first ever TRX International Training Summit in the UK at University of Nottingham’s state of the art David Ross Sports Village.
To meet TRX Founder Randy Hetrick, and learn from, and share ideas with his incredible team, was an absolute dream come true.