What is TRX Suspension Training & why do we use it at the Fitness Belfast Studio?

Our trusty black and yellow TRX suspension training straps are a key feature of classes here at the Fitness Belfast Studio. We believe they are a hugely beneficial piece of kit for anyone from athletes to absolute newbies to have a productive and fun workout.

Join us at TRX Strength & Flo or Kickass Bootcamp (where they also feature heavily), and you can expect to use the TRX to assist with compound push, pull, squat, lunge & hinge exercises as-well as more modern mobility & TRX for Yoga techniques.

Like the awesome folks at TRX Training we believe your body is your most valuable piece of kit, and that’s why we use the TRX help you make your body a strong, flexible & mobile machine that you can take out of the studio and into your everyday life.

We’re especially proud of our hybrid TRX Strength & Flo classes that combine strength training & yoga in one fluid & mindful workout and we’re thrilled that those classes are operating at full capacity with waiting lists right now.

We know this can be a little frustrating so bear with us, we’re in the process of adding more spaces and time-slots for what is fast becoming our most popular class.

Strength training & yoga go together like peanut butter and banana so we know you’ll love that all our classes (except Yin Yoga) will be inspired by both training methods.

Have an awesome Monday team & we hope to see you on the mat or on the straps very soon!


Gary MilliganTRX