Planning for Wellness at Work
Over the last few years, there’s definitely been a bigger than ever demand for Corporate Wellness, Wellness at Work, Initiatives, One-Offs, Programmes, Tasters.
And I’ve been lucky enough to witness the benefits first hand through my work with great companies and charities around Belfast – FinTrU, Aware NI, Catalyst, IQ-EQ, Smarts and more. Kickstart Yoga & Kickstart Fit are the core two programmes I offer, generally in 8 week blocks, but I've done lots of one-off events also - from taster sessions, to sports days, to charity warm ups for walks, or judging workplace wellbeing challenges!
Particularly with desk based work, breaking up your day with some exercise & movement can really supercharge your day.
“One way that exercise can help boost productivity at work is through alertness. When you exercise, you are also increasing blood flow to the brain, which can help sharpen your awareness and make you more ready to tackle your next big project.”
Most of the corporate based classes happen at lunchtime, when even a 30-40 minute burst will help counteract that post sandwich slump I’m sure you’ve had, and set you up for a productive afternoon. And when you head home for the day, having exercised even a little, you could sleep better, boosting your immune function, and helping to control stress and anxiety.
So, especially when you’re a bit busier at work, or a bit under pressure, it’s super important to take some time to move – you’ll get it back in the long run! Even if you can’t squeeze in that class or gym session, maybe try some simple tweaks to your day liiiiike…
Get out for a walk and some fresh air at lunch OR try some walking meetings with like minded colleagues.
Whizz up and down the stairs instead of the lift.
Try some desk based yoga – yes really!
Ditch the car, or get off the bus a few stops earlier for a walk.
Even better, if you can, cycle to work - good for you and the planet.
Take your workplace health and wellbeing up a notch, and 44% of your employees could feel likes there’s better morale and engagement, 35% could think there’s a healthier and more inclusive culture, and 31% could see a lower sickness absence rate. – CIPD
Does that not sound like a plan?
So – if you think I can help promote or provide Wellness at Work for your organisation, just get in touch – I’d love to hear from you :)