Stay here... I'll be back.

Arnie I'll Be Back.jpg

COVID-19 Statement: 17 March 2020

In light of the recent government recommendations, duty of care to the health of my family, all you superstars & your families, I have decided that it is best to cancel the Fitness Belfast timetable of signature classes, effective immediately, and until further notice.⁣

It’s taken me 13 years to build the knowledge, client base and finances necessary to create the Fitness Belfast Studio how my wife Darcie & I imagined it would be, we were just getting started, and I will not allow this to be the end.⁣

I love Personal Training, I love teaching yoga, I love TRX & I love using them to help those that really need it most. So while this is a huge hurdle for any 8 week old business to face, it’s one that I will Fosbury Flop over and reboot.⁣

To everyone who has reached out to me in the last few days, I cannot express how much your words of encouragement have meant to me & Darcie.

To our incredible extended Fitness Belfast community, we’re putting plans in place to ensure that (should you wish to join us), a new timetable of online classes will be available for you to enjoy from Monday in the comfort of your own homes, surrounded by those that you love.⁣

This isn’t the end, and at this point I’ve no idea when, but rest assured - STAY HERE..... I’LL BE BACK! 😘


Gary Milligan