Coconut Bacon - eh... what?

Took a little road trip a few weeks ago to Ursa Minor Bakehouse in beautiful Ballycastle, and was treated to awesome sourdough toast with COCONUT BACON - which is not bacon, is completely vegan AND incredible!

I’d honestly never heard of the stuff, so I did a little digging and made some of my own when we got home. It’s super easy, takes about 15 minutes and uses only a few ingredients.

Perfect as a snack watching Netflix documentaries, in vegan BLT sambos, or on top of avocado and toast.

Here’s how you can give it a try!

  1. Pop 100g coconut flakes in a mixing bowl

  2. Add a little soy sauce, smoked paprika, liquid smoke (honestly optional), a squeeze of maple syrup or agave nectar, salt n pepper, & mix it all together

  3. Roast in oven on medium heat for 10 - 15 mins turning regularly as theres a fine line between crispy and burnt

  4. Allow to cool for 10 mins and use as suggested above


Fitness Belfast Vegan Coconut Bacon Recipe Photo.jpeg
FoodGary Milligan